Karen Park Featured in the International Business Times

Our international tax partner, Karen Park, was featured in the International Business Times for her accomplishments around helping our clients achieve optimal tax returns around cross border tax planning.

You can check out the article here!

Stephen Morris, CPA, MBT, CCIM

As a CPA, my background has been almost entirely focused on the real estate industry since my start in public accounting back in 2005. Over the past 10 years, I’ve also been a real estate developer, where I completed numerous projects in the city of LA, primarily ground up apartment buildings. I am also a licensed real estate broker in the state of California.

I love to help people out with their tax and operational problems and coach clients and colleagues on best practices to increase their wealth through real estate investment strategies.


Beneficial Ownership Reporting - Info and How To Do It


Check out our article on the American Apartment Owners Association’s Q4 magazine!